Geotricity 3.0 (A Continuation of TLC-16-149)
Geotricity 3.0 provides transdisciplinary learning through STEM and geography connecting students with their community in real-life application of problem-based learning. Students and teachers increased collaboration and learning through GAFE.
Grade 11 Environmental Science – Improving the Experiential Experience and Exploring the Development of an Action-Based/Authentic Final Evaluation
This project involved collaboration between multiple schools in the HDSB in order to develop more experiential and action-based activities (including an authentic final task) for students in the Grade 11 environmental science course.
Improving Growth Mindset in Math Through Differentiation for Students in Grades 2-4
This project aimed to develop increased confidence in differentiated math teaching instruction among our teaching staff by providing focused professional development aimed at increasing teachers’ ability to differentiate their math instruction.
Loose Parts: The Gateway to 21st Century Skills and Competencies
The goal of our project was to make connections between the curriculum, 21st century competencies and loose parts theory by creating a resource to share with other educators.
Primary Portfolios and Student Reflection on Learning
Our purpose was to use the Virtual Learning Environment/Brightspace Portfolio to make learning visible and to encourage student self-reflection. This tool was also used for parent communication (e.g. calendar, videos, photos, home activities, etc.).