Geotricity 3.0 (A Continuation of TLC-16-149)
Geotricity 3.0 provides transdisciplinary learning through STEM and geography connecting students with their community in real-life application of problem-based learning. Students and teachers increased collaboration and learning through GAFE.
Using 3D and VR Technology to Enhance Social Studies and Historical Inquiry
This project explored the use of augmented and virtual reality in grades 6-8 including the use of 3D images and 360° photographs, HP Reveal and CoSpaces Edu to create virtual spaces, and the creation of an augmented reality sandbox.
Using HyperDocs as a Tool to Engage Mathematical Thinking in French Immersion
Cross-strand math lessons for French Immersion students using the HyperDocs lesson design and GAFE. Our Grade 5 and 6 math expectations are inquiry-based, allowing students to access the curriculum at different entry points.