Bringing Douglas Clements’ Trajectories to Life 2A
The team brought children’s learning to life through the use of a learning trajectory for mathematics. While capturing this learning on video, teachers began to construct a deeper understanding of how children acquire their conceptual understanding.
Teaching Talk: Integrating Oral Language Development in Early Learning Kindergarten
Focusing on the integration of explicit oral language instruction, with a focus on phonological awareness, into all aspects of the ELK program (routines, large and small group activities, individual instruction, and technology use).
Inquiry-Based Buddies and Collaborators
Older students will model their skills/ideas for younger students which empowers them and builds a caring and responsible culture of learners throughout our school. Younger students have much more one-to-one support and personal/timely feedback.
Making Learning Visible – Pedagogical Documentation Full-Day Kindergarten
This project aims to explore how documenting children’s learning can help to develop a community of learners that aims to increase student engagement, promote collaboration, and improve learning outcomes.
Improving the Numeracy Mindset of Grade 9 Math Students
If students work on problems stemming from an overarching learning goal through various strategies, then the students will be motivated and demonstrate their understanding while cultivating their growth mindset.