Creating a PLC Within the Kindergarten Division Based on Implementing STEM/STEAM Activities Within Project-Based Learning
Our goal is to create a PLC to research/implement STEM activities and makerspaces into project-based learning in FDK to make learning more engaging, authentic and self-motivating for students and educators, and to share this learning with others.
A Developmentally Sound and Pedagogically Appropriate Approach to Teaching Through (and about) Problem-Solving from Kindergarten to Grade 4
Cross-referencing the various “Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics,” “The Kindergarten Program,” and the “Ontario Mathematics Curriculum, K-8,” this project shows the “Big Ideas,” the K-4 continuum of expectations, and suggests resources.
Math Inquiry Across the Strands
This inquiry addresses geometry, number sense, measurement in a social studies context. Our initial inquiry was the creation of a Winter Math Festival. The second inquiry was an investigation of societies around the world (historic and modern).
Integration of Indigenous Content Through Experiential Learning into Existing Curriculum
A collaborative approach to integrating indigenous Ways of Knowing, issues and perspectives for students and staff. Initiatives included group storytelling, creative lessons to explore our history, and connection with Elders in their community.
Got Real-World Issues? Engaging Students Through the Creation of a Cross-Curricular Collaborative Problem-Solving Adventure
This project provides resources to support inquiry-based, cross-curricular learning connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.