Let’s Go Out and Play
To engage our kindergarten students in regular outdoor learning opportunities through monthly trips to our Board’s Outdoor Education Centre and to implement the new kindergarten curriculum through the lens of the natural environment.
Building Mathematical Teaching and Learning Capacity in Kindergarten
Building a successful kindergarten math program through building teacher capacity with best practices in teaching number sense and problem-solving skills.
The Outdoor Classroom
Transforming a concrete courtyard into an outdoor classroom with a variety of learning areas to address all four frames of the curriculum.
Wonder Wagon: Inquiry Outdoor Learning with the Four Frames
Create a “Wonder Wagon” as a portable resource for outdoor learning for all seasons. Connecting our indoor and outdoor classroom environments to enable spontaneous and planned inquiry learning in kindergarten and the four frames.
Creating a PLC Within the Kindergarten Division Based on Implementing STEM/STEAM Activities Within Project-Based Learning
Our goal is to create a PLC to research/implement STEM activities and makerspaces into project-based learning in FDK to make learning more engaging, authentic and self-motivating for students and educators, and to share this learning with others.