Promoting Problem-Solving and Skill Development in the Intermediate Classroom (Grades 7–9)
Skill development and problem-solving were investigated with respect to the topic of fractions in grades 7 through 9.
Investigating Apps to Use on the iPad in the Math Classroom
Teachers became acquainted with several math apps available on the iOS platform and developed activities using iPads to enhance teaching and learning in grade 9 and 10 math classes. Teachers focused on the Nearpod, Desmos and Educreations apps.
Using Technology to Support Visual Mathematical Metacognition (VMM)
An investigation into effective technological platforms to support mathematical metacognition in students from kindergarten to Grade 5. Opportunities to scaffold technological understanding we explored and documented.
Exploring Scope and Sequence in the Junior Years
Scope and sequence in junior grades in the areas of Data Management (Graphing) and Number Sense (Multiplication, Fractions, Money). The scope and sequence of these concepts and skills together with teaching strategies were represented in charts.
Exploring Scope and Sequence in the Early Years
Exploring scope and sequence in the early years.