Authentic Student Assessment Through Digital Technologies
This project aimed to identify different forms of assessment, and how they can be redefined in a digital classroom. It also aimed to increase teacher efficacy by deepening their understanding of assessment, while building their capacity to do so.
Using Professional Collaboration to Establish an Inquiry-Based Makerspace at Robert J. Lee Which Links STEAM with Coding, for Students
Our project highlights the importance of professional collaboration and teaming to provide rich and varied opportunities for students to code within the curriculum expectations at the kindergarten, Grade 3 and Grade 4 levels.
Exploring 21st Century Learning/Global Competencies Through an IB Lens
As a team, we explored the links between our board’s Global Competency framework, the Ministry’s 21st Century Competencies and Transferable Skills, and our school’s IB Global Contexts and IB Approaches to Learning.
Geotricity 3.0 (A Continuation of TLC-16-149)
Geotricity 3.0 provides transdisciplinary learning through STEM and geography connecting students with their community in real-life application of problem-based learning. Students and teachers increased collaboration and learning through GAFE.
The Blanket Exercise – Bringing the TRC to the Classroom
Our project examined local treaties and used the KARIOS Blanket Exercise to gain a greater understanding of the history and legacy of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.