The Critical Thinking Classroom Meets HyperDocs!
Using the Ontario social studies/history curriculum we created HyperDocs that aligned with the Thinking Classroom, and created environments for critical thinking and engaged students with rich tasks utilizing technology to share their thinking.
STEAM in Early Primary
Develop and implement Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) activities in the kindergarten and primary classrooms that will help differentiate instruction, integrate curriculum expectations and support inquiry-based learning.
Exploring 21st Century Learning/Global Competencies Through an IB Lens
As a team, we explored the links between our board’s Global Competency framework, the Ministry’s 21st Century Competencies and Transferable Skills, and our school’s IB Global Contexts and IB Approaches to Learning.
Examining Equity Through a Literacy Lens
We examined how teachers could enrich integrated literacy programs (reading/writing skills infused within big ideas from history/geography to teach equity topics). We deepened our professional learning around equity and best practices in literacy.
Geotricity 3.0 (A Continuation of TLC-16-149)
Geotricity 3.0 provides transdisciplinary learning through STEM and geography connecting students with their community in real-life application of problem-based learning. Students and teachers increased collaboration and learning through GAFE.