Enhancing Outdoor Learning Opportunities in Kindergarten and Beyond
This project was designed to build upon our current instructional practices in the areas of outdoor education and inquiry-based learning, and to develop strategies to assist us in “provoking” and assessing student learning in a natural setting.
Vertical Pop Bottle Gardens
Use recycled materials to build vertical window garden. Ignite students’ inquiry and critical thinking skills with this design challenge. Engage them in hands-on learning. Broaden understanding of sustainable water and resource management.
Grade 11 Environmental Science – Improving the Experiential Experience and Exploring the Development of an Action-Based/Authentic Final Evaluation
This project involved collaboration between multiple schools in the HDSB in order to develop more experiential and action-based activities (including an authentic final task) for students in the Grade 11 environmental science course.
Using HyperDocs as a Tool to Engage Mathematical Thinking in French Immersion
Cross-strand math lessons for French Immersion students using the HyperDocs lesson design and GAFE. Our Grade 5 and 6 math expectations are inquiry-based, allowing students to access the curriculum at different entry points.
Grenoble FDK Environmental Inquiry Project
This FDK STEM project explores environmental inquiry by questioning the needs of living things to create an outdoor sustainable garden, observe the stages of the life cycle of butterflies and launch butterflies into an innovative butterfly garden.