Documenting Spatial Reasoning in the Full-Day Kindergarten Program
Using the professional resource, Taking Shape, we supported students’ understanding of spatial reasoning concepts through intentional play-based tasks and documentation.
Using Student Clinical Interviews About Fractions and Decimals as a Diagnostic to Determine Student Misconceptions and Plan Instructional Next Steps
Research into junior/intermediate student misconceptions in fractions and decimals through conducting student clinical interviews in math. Lessons and number talks designed to address misconceptions for gap closing.
A Developmentally Sound and Pedagogically Appropriate Approach to Teaching Through (and about) Problem-Solving from Kindergarten to Grade 4
Cross-referencing the various “Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics,” “The Kindergarten Program,” and the “Ontario Mathematics Curriculum, K-8,” this project shows the “Big Ideas,” the K-4 continuum of expectations, and suggests resources.
Integrating Technology in the Junior Extended French Classroom
An investigation into the integration of technology in French and social studies in the junior Extended French program.
Digital Inquiry Geography Portfolios
We developed a Digital Inquiry Geography Portfolio with lessons for intermediate students using the Google Drive platform. Our goal was to tailor the digital folders and lessons to complement the inquiry process found in the Ontario Curriculum.