MHF4U: Spiralling in the Vertical Classroom
We designed an activity-based, student-centred course plan for MHF4U for our classrooms with vertical non-permanent surfaces. The lessons and activities do not follow a unit/chapter plan, they spiral through the curriculum.
Mobile Devices in the Classroom
Embracing technology and using it in outdoor learning spaces, and using technology to share the learning and inquiries that happen when engaged in more time being spent exploring outdoors.
Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities in Mathematics
Deepen our understanding of the profile of students with learning disabilities through a mathematics lens.
Investigating Apps to Use on the iPad in the Math Classroom
Teachers became acquainted with several math apps available on the iOS platform and developed activities using iPads to enhance teaching and learning in grade 9 and 10 math classes. Teachers focused on the Nearpod, Desmos and Educreations apps.
Using Technology to Support Visual Mathematical Metacognition (VMM)
An investigation into effective technological platforms to support mathematical metacognition in students from kindergarten to Grade 5. Opportunities to scaffold technological understanding we explored and documented.