Making Math More Meaningful in Grade 6
This project explored the impact of using Numeracy Nets as a tool to help teachers better understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses in math. We also explored the use of Number Talks as a tool to increase our students’ sense of number.
Math Centres in Intermediate? You Betcha!
Math centres w integrated tech help intermediate students become engaged, develop self-awareness of their math skills & learning habits. Students learn to work independently & cooperatively, enabling the teacher to conference with individs & sm grps.
iPads and Music Education
The exploration of practical ways in which an iPad could be added into a music classroom. Teacher description guides and lessons were created for using GarageBand, iReal Pro, SoundCloud and Explain Everything.
Developing Proportional Reasoning in Intermediate Mathematics
This project contains a unit for grades 7 and 8 on Proportional Reasoning and a PowerPoint for teachers. The unit includes introductory activities, three-part lessons, mental math strings and assessment strategies.
Authentic Partners for Authentic Learning: Using Technology to Connect with Experts Outside the Classroom
Learn to leverage technology and the experiences of experts to help students learn and share in authentic contexts and with authentic audiences. Students gain independence and confidence by sharing their own voice and expertise with others.
authentic tasks, cross curricular, outside experts, student choice and voice, technology