Learning About Technologies to Support Learning and Sharing in Mathematics
This project involved a team of secondary teachers and an instructional coach at one school in learning about technologies that are available to support student learning and sharing in mathematics.
iPads and Music Education
The exploration of practical ways in which an iPad could be added into a music classroom. Teacher description guides and lessons were created for using GarageBand, iReal Pro, SoundCloud and Explain Everything.
Exploring the Use of Technology in Mathematics (in French Immersion Classroom)
Our Grade 6 team of French Immersion teachers would like to explore the use of technology in a mathematics classroom and how to create common assessment tasks to build greater consistency.
Exploring the Use of Technology in Mathematics
Our Grade 6 team explored the use of technology in a mathematics classroom and how to create common assessment tasks to build greater consistency.
Blending Learning and Assessment: An Exploration of Different Technologies
This project explores different technologies that can be used in assessment (for, as and of learning) and evaluation in the secondary classroom. Technologies explored include Desire2Learn, Google Drive, Forms, Flubaroo, Poll Everywhere and Kahoot!