Inclusive Learning Through Technology and Media
The focus of this project was to create an inclusive learning environment through the use of digital arts and media technologies to integrate our grade 7 and 8 students in special education classes with the mainstream class.
Our One Screen
Elementary students used the “One Screen” on their iPad to make their thinking visible when questioning, problem-solving and creating their own math inquiry. They redefined and modified their learning (SAMR) to reflect and collaborate.
Math Portfolios Using Google Classroom
Students have access to online manipulatives and various teacher/student generated math challenges to discuss, share, document and provide descriptive feedback within Google apps and reflecting on their learning goals in Google Sites Math ePortfolio.
Authentic Partners for Authentic Learning: Using Technology to Connect with Experts Outside the Classroom
Learn to leverage technology and the experiences of experts to help students learn and share in authentic contexts and with authentic audiences. Students gain independence and confidence by sharing their own voice and expertise with others.
authentic tasks, cross curricular, outside experts, student choice and voice, technology