Illuminating our Learning
An exploration of the role of iPad minis to deepen and enhance learning. Students learn how to use apps on iPad minis for writing and communicating, as well as documenting their learning. Students tweet out reflections of learning to parents.
Developing the Foundations of Numeracy in Kindergarten
This project examines the ways in which kindergarten students develop early numeracy concepts specifically in the area of composing and decomposing numbers to 10, through the use of intentional materials and explicit questioning from the ELK team.
Mobile Devices in the Classroom
Embracing technology and using it in outdoor learning spaces, and using technology to share the learning and inquiries that happen when engaged in more time being spent exploring outdoors.
Using Technology to Support Visual Mathematical Metacognition (VMM)
An investigation into effective technological platforms to support mathematical metacognition in students from kindergarten to Grade 5. Opportunities to scaffold technological understanding we explored and documented.
Exploring Scope and Sequence in the Junior Years
Scope and sequence in junior grades in the areas of Data Management (Graphing) and Number Sense (Multiplication, Fractions, Money). The scope and sequence of these concepts and skills together with teaching strategies were represented in charts.