Cross-Curricular Integrating Technology/Media Studies
Cross-curricular language/science and social studies projects using technology.
Engaging Learners Through Technology in the Classroom
Our overall goal is to enhance student engagement by becoming teacher leaders within the school in the area of using technology to improve learning.
Using Technology to Create Inquiry-Based Lessons in Grade 9 Science
The focus of the project was to develop the Grade 9 Science Astronomy Unit. Using the Halton Cloud (Google Drive), teachers collaborated to put together an outline, and 15 specific lesson plans including all resources required to complete each one.
Supporting Mastery Learning Through Access to Technology
Incorporating mastery-based learning through the use of technology (iPads) in the grades 9 and 10 applied math classrooms. D2L and Google Docs are used as the platforms for curriculum delivery.
MHF4U: Spiralling in the Vertical Classroom
We designed an activity-based, student-centred course plan for MHF4U for our classrooms with vertical non-permanent surfaces. The lessons and activities do not follow a unit/chapter plan, they spiral through the curriculum.