Authentic Communication in French Immersion Kindergarten Through Math Games
Focus on mathematical understanding should not exclude French Immersion students simply due to lack of expressive vocabulary. Students can learn, and do strive, in authentic communication situations, such as playing math games in the early years.
Math Electronic Portfolio
Use OneNote to enhance student learning in the area of math. Students will have a rule book in OneNote that they can access and will be able to carry forward to future years. These portfolios will benefit all students in all ability levels.
Engaging Learners Using the SAMR Model
Engaging primary students using iPads across the curriculum to transform student communication, critical thinking and the application of learning by using the SAMR model.
Brightspace Portfolio: Technology, Pedagogical Documentation and Student Voice!
This project explored the Brightspace Portfolio by D2L as a tool for educators and students to use for pedagogical documentation and to support collaboration amongst all educators, students and families.
Primary Portfolios and Student Reflection on Learning
Our purpose was to use the Virtual Learning Environment/Brightspace Portfolio to make learning visible and to encourage student self-reflection. This tool was also used for parent communication (e.g. calendar, videos, photos, home activities, etc.).