Using Gaming to Boost Math Achievement and 21st Century Competency Development
Games were used to help students deepen their understanding of numbers, develop their procedural fluency and provide opportunities to practise learned skills, all in addition to learning how to collaborate and communicate with their peers.
Math Electronic Portfolio
Use OneNote to enhance student learning in the area of math. Students will have a rule book in OneNote that they can access and will be able to carry forward to future years. These portfolios will benefit all students in all ability levels.
Reach for the Stars (Part 2)
Social readiness is a key factor in promoting well-being in children and directly impacts their health in all areas and success in school. As educators in early years, we desire to promote healthy relationships and social thinking with our students.
Empowering Young Modern Learners to Read
This project looked at the connection between reading engagement and reading improvement. We hypothesized that if students could find more success with reading through the use of technology, then their enjoyment and skill level would improve.
Using HyperDocs as a Tool to Engage Mathematical Thinking in French Immersion
Cross-strand math lessons for French Immersion students using the HyperDocs lesson design and GAFE. Our Grade 5 and 6 math expectations are inquiry-based, allowing students to access the curriculum at different entry points.