Student Wellness in Catholic Schools
“Student Wellness in Catholic Schools” addressed 5 areas of Wellness – Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social and Intellectual. We created programs that assisted learners with managing their stress, peer stress, and home stress using Catholic G.E.
Build Attention, Self-Regulation and Empathy Through Mindfulness Practice
This report outlines a series of activities, practices and reflections on the impact and benefits of “Mindfulness” in schools and classrooms and how the practices of mindfulness can be used to enhance student and teacher well-being and performance.
Traditional Algonquin Knowledge and Wellness for Newcomers and Their Teachers
Our project focused on how teachers of Adult ESL courses can integrate traditional knowledge and realities of Anishinabeg (Algonquin) on whose territory they teach. This focus on wellness was applied to curriculum that meets MOE Expectations for ESL.