Inquiry-Based Learning in FDK
To increase our knowledge of inquiry-based teaching and co-created learning through book studies and to implement new strategies for indoor and outdoor provocations and documentation.
STEAM in Early Primary
Develop and implement Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) activities in the kindergarten and primary classrooms that will help differentiate instruction, integrate curriculum expectations and support inquiry-based learning.
Enhancing Outdoor Learning Opportunities in Kindergarten and Beyond
This project was designed to build upon our current instructional practices in the areas of outdoor education and inquiry-based learning, and to develop strategies to assist us in “provoking” and assessing student learning in a natural setting.
Using Gaming to Boost Math Achievement and 21st Century Competency Development
Games were used to help students deepen their understanding of numbers, develop their procedural fluency and provide opportunities to practise learned skills, all in addition to learning how to collaborate and communicate with their peers.
Fostering Mathematical Inquiry and Critical Thinking in Grade 9 Curriculum
Teachers from Markville set out to revise and enhance the Grade 9 course to incorporate sustaining inquiry and critical thinking with the aim of fostering
• Students’ ability to think
• Growth mindset
• Modern learning
• Student achievement