Teaching Mathematical Concepts using LEGO Robotics
Computational literacy skills allow students to analyze a problem and come up with a variety of solutions to solve an open-ended problem. Our goal was to design a series of lessons, both with and without robotics, to address this fundamental skill.
Supporting Effective Use of Technology Through a Subject Association (ELAN)
New participants with ELAN (English Language Arts Network) share effective practice with information and communications technology (ICT) in their English/language arts classroom. The aim was to grow networks of English/language arts teachers.
Using Technology to Maximize Students’ Literacy Skills
Using technology and oral language to maximize students’ literacy skills.
Inquiry-Based Learning in Grade 9 Geography and Grade 10 History
Inquiry-based learning unit of study in Grade 9 geography (Liveable Communities) and Grade 10 history (Canada, 1929-1945). Templates included to be used in any inquiry model at any grade level.