Assessment for, as and of Learning: Use of Formative Assessment Tools and Strategies to Improve Student Learning
We explored formative assessment practices, focusing on learning goals and student self-assessment. Using “Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom” as a guide, we applied the components of formative assessment to improve student learning.
Connecting Mathematics in the Real World
A team of four teachers engaged in a year-long inquiry into student understanding of the link between mathematical concepts and real-world applications. Activities were created to promote the observation of mathematics through a student lense.
Enhancing Student Mathematical Understanding and Problem-Solving Capabilities Through the Use of Algorithms and Coding Software
This project was aimed at introducing computer programming to middle school students. It contains a series of lessons, with various entry points from teaching students binary, algorithms, languages, coding and how to use these tools to create.
Infusing Indigenous Perspectives and Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Mathematics
Our teaching learning co-op group deepened our understanding and knowledge of indigenous ways of knowing mathematics and perspectives by listening to the stories of two community members.
A Developmentally Sound and Pedagogically Appropriate Approach to Teaching Through (and about) Problem-Solving from Kindergarten to Grade 4
Cross-referencing the various “Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics,” “The Kindergarten Program,” and the “Ontario Mathematics Curriculum, K-8,” this project shows the “Big Ideas,” the K-4 continuum of expectations, and suggests resources.