Building Mathematicians Through Learning Buddies
During cross-divisional learning buddies, students had opportunities to explore growth mindset, math and STEM challenges to further develop their math confidence and to support our math community.
Anything is Possible!
Find a space in our schoolyard that needs to be remodelled in order for us to create a safe and inclusive space where we can all learn, play and grow … find the math … show the opportunities … anything is possible.
Student Voice in Inquiry Learning
We believe the right resources for student-directed inquiries is part of how we support students in connectedness to their learning and their community. Our report includes a bank of resources along with our learning through successes and challenges.
The Mindful Math Project – Part 2
A Grade 10 LDCC math resource that focuses on decreasing math anxiety and increasing mathematical knowledge through engaging and practical activities. It is a teacher-ready and student-focused resource that can be used as is or modified.
Pedagogical Documentation with iPads to Support Inquiry in the Junior Grades
Using technology to document student learning and thinking in the junior grades.