Documenting Math with Technology
The aim of this project is for teachers and students to work together, using technology, to co-document math learning in a way that will enhance student voice during consolidation and increase teachers’ understanding of how children learn math.
Exploring Spatial Reasoning Through Coding
Teachers/students will learn how to code as a tool for learning. Teachers will engage in professional learning opportunities on how to use the various coding apps and tools and collaborate with a lead teacher to support implementation in class.
Integrating iPads in Math Class
The purpose of this project was to develop lesson plans using iPad apps to engage students in mathematics and target the in-risk students by using alternate apps or work one-on-one with them.
Using iPads to Develop Decoding and Reading Comprehension
Integrating targeted iPad apps and literacy activities to develop decoding and comprehension skills for primary and special education students.
Inquiry-Based Learning and iPads in the Classroom
Teachers used iPads and Chromebooks to foster inquiry-based learning opportunities for students, to differentiate instruction, to consolidate skills and to demonstrate student learning in a variety of ways.