Making Learning Visible – Pedagogical Documentation Full-Day Kindergarten
This project aims to explore how documenting children’s learning can help to develop a community of learners that aims to increase student engagement, promote collaboration, and improve learning outcomes.
Creating a “Culture of Thinking” and Digital Portfolios: Integrating Language and Social Studies
In this project, FreshGrade ePortfolios were created for Grade 4 and Grade 7 students. Teachers planned integrated Social studies/language units whereby technology was used to “Capture the Learning” of students.
Leveraging Technology to Improve Assessment as/for/of Learning in Mathematics
We identified ways to use technology to gather formative assessment and align it with Learning Maps, Big Ideas, Learning Goals and Success Criteria. Ultimately, we were most concerned about leveraging technology to triangulate assessment data.
Blended Learning 3.0
We utilized new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance our teaching and student learning. We used the gradual release model to allow students to embrace it as a new norm and be accountable for their personal success.
Using Three-Act Math and Technology to Improve Student Engagement and Increase Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics
Having experienced success with Three-Act Math, we were interested in pursuing more time to research and create a teacher-friendly Resource of Three-Act Math and related online activities. This resource would align to the Ontario Math Curriculum.