Mining for Deeper Understanding of Languages
Throughout this project we explored the use of Minecraft as a tool to get students talking in second language classrooms and to help improve language acquisition.
Technology Help Desk: Bridging the Gap Between Home and School
This project sought to rethink the way parents, students and teachers are supporting in their learning about educational technologies. Concise student-generated tutorial videos are hosted on a website to address a range of categories.
Empowered Voices: Using Speech Technology Applications Within Sheltered Drama
Confidence, accurate pronunciation and fluency when speaking are challenges for ELLs. Opportunities to practise listening and speaking are often secondary, thus our aim was to improve speech skills via direct practise in drama, ELD and ESL classes.
Assessment and Teaching in French as a Second Language through the Use of Google Technologies
This project was created to test the possible usage of technology for French as a Second Language beyond its popular use of knowledge-seeking and using it as a French-English dictionary tool.
Supporting Effective Use of Technology Through a Subject Association (ELAN)
New participants with ELAN (English Language Arts Network) share effective practice with information and communications technology (ICT) in their English/language arts classroom. The aim was to grow networks of English/language arts teachers.