Enhancing Teaching Practice and Developing Students’ Communication and Problem-Solving Skills Through Co-Teaching Three-Part Math Lessons
We will develop skills as co-teaching partners to support each other’s learning and professional growth.
Establish partnerships with Numeracy Instructional Leader for continual support. -
This collaborative inquiry for Grade 8 teachers focused on increasing student achievement in geometry through cross-curricular learning opportunities and differentiated instruction via real-life application of STEM.
Exploring Problem-Based Instruction in Grade 8
Exploring problem-based instruction, teacher-friendly diagnostic assessment tools and use of achievement chart to represent final math assessment in grades 7 and 8.
Exploring Mathematics Through Problem-Solving and Student Voice
Teacher resource of inquiry-based, open-ended mathematical problems that can be easily adapted to various grade levels. Three-part lesson plans are organized by grade and strand.
Developing Proportional Reasoning in Intermediate Mathematics
This project contains a unit for grades 7 and 8 on Proportional Reasoning and a PowerPoint for teachers. The unit includes introductory activities, three-part lessons, mental math strings and assessment strategies.