Cross-Curricular Integrating Technology/Media Studies
Cross-curricular language/science and social studies projects using technology.
Making Thinking Visible in Math
Helping students make their Thinking Visible.
Illuminating our Learning
An exploration of the role of iPad minis to deepen and enhance learning. Students learn how to use apps on iPad minis for writing and communicating, as well as documenting their learning. Students tweet out reflections of learning to parents.
Developing the Foundations of Numeracy in Kindergarten
This project examines the ways in which kindergarten students develop early numeracy concepts specifically in the area of composing and decomposing numbers to 10, through the use of intentional materials and explicit questioning from the ELK team.
Math Learning Trajectories in Inquiry
This project implements the learning trajectories as outlined in “Learning and Teaching Early Math” in inquiry-based, FDK classrooms. It connects the learning trajectories to the counting principles and our programme document.