Providing Purpose and Hope for Students to Enhance Well-Being
Engagement comes from understanding the purpose behind what you are doing, and being able to clearly articulate why it is personally meaningful for you. This is what we want for our students, and it comes when we provide them with purpose and hope.
Addressing Student Anxiety Through In-School and Local Programming
Building our professional knowledge about anxiety disorders at the school age child level to develop and implement a school-based program to reduce and/or manage student anxiety using the FRIENDS for Life model incorporating other wellness tools.
Nurturing 21st Century Skills Through Inquiry and Technology
The goal of our project is to nurture 21st century skills through inquiry and technology. Teachers will be empowered to use technology and discover ways to maximize its potential for all learners.
Building Capacity in the Early Years: Inquiry in Kindergarten
Teachers will investigate the elements of an inquiry framework in kindergarten and will use resources to implement an inquiry classroom in their schools, thereby increasing educator capacity in the early years.
Grade 11 Environmental Science – Improving the Experiential Experience and Exploring the Development of an Action-Based/Authentic Final Evaluation
This project involved collaboration between multiple schools in the HDSB in order to develop more experiential and action-based activities (including an authentic final task) for students in the Grade 11 environmental science course.