Student Wellness in Catholic Schools
“Student Wellness in Catholic Schools” addressed 5 areas of Wellness – Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social and Intellectual. We created programs that assisted learners with managing their stress, peer stress, and home stress using Catholic G.E.
Naturalization of Outdoor Play Space
Outdoor play to support learning in FDK.
Loose Parts: The Gateway to 21st Century Skills and Competencies
The goal of our project was to make connections between the curriculum, 21st century competencies and loose parts theory by creating a resource to share with other educators.
Using HyperDocs as a Tool to Engage Mathematical Thinking in French Immersion
Cross-strand math lessons for French Immersion students using the HyperDocs lesson design and GAFE. Our Grade 5 and 6 math expectations are inquiry-based, allowing students to access the curriculum at different entry points.
Learning to Talk the Talk – Developing Oral Communication Skills in the Intermediate Grades
Our aim was to develop teaching strategies that encourage and broaden speaking and listening strategies within our student learners. We created a comfortable, safe environment where students were willing to take risks with oral communication.