Vertical Pop Bottle Gardens
Use recycled materials to build vertical window garden. Ignite students’ inquiry and critical thinking skills with this design challenge. Engage them in hands-on learning. Broaden understanding of sustainable water and resource management.
Building Math Skill and Confidence Through Collaborative Mentorship
To engage our grades 3 and 6 students, we implemented a Centres-based “Learning Buddies” model where students moved through a variety of tasks and activities. Grade 6 students assumed the role of peer mentor for the Grade 3 students.
Using STEM (Lego Robotics EV3) to Increase Student Engagement with Students with a Mild Intellectual Disability
By using Lego Robotics EV3 kits, this project aims to increase student engagement in a special education classroom through student inquiry and project-based learning.
Capturing the Process of Healthy Active Living Education Learners Making Their Thinking Visible
To foster a culture of thinking in Healthy Active Living Education classes by implementing Visible Thinking approaches into our pedagogical practices using technology to collect evidence of understanding through observation, conversation and product.
Building Capacity in the Early Years: Inquiry in Kindergarten
Teachers will investigate the elements of an inquiry framework in kindergarten and will use resources to implement an inquiry classroom in their schools, thereby increasing educator capacity in the early years.