Student Wellness in Catholic Schools
“Student Wellness in Catholic Schools” addressed 5 areas of Wellness – Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social and Intellectual. We created programs that assisted learners with managing their stress, peer stress, and home stress using Catholic G.E.
Authentic Communication in French Immersion Kindergarten Through Math Games
Focus on mathematical understanding should not exclude French Immersion students simply due to lack of expressive vocabulary. Students can learn, and do strive, in authentic communication situations, such as playing math games in the early years.
Reaching All Learners Through Guided Math
Through guided math lessons and workstations we will support the diverse needs of our students and reach all learners. By teaching in small homogenous groups, students will develop essential skills and further instruction at their level for success.
Using Gaming to Boost Math Achievement and 21st Century Competency Development
Games were used to help students deepen their understanding of numbers, develop their procedural fluency and provide opportunities to practise learned skills, all in addition to learning how to collaborate and communicate with their peers.