Authentic Communication in French Immersion Kindergarten Through Math Games
Focus on mathematical understanding should not exclude French Immersion students simply due to lack of expressive vocabulary. Students can learn, and do strive, in authentic communication situations, such as playing math games in the early years.
Fostering Mathematical Inquiry and Critical Thinking in Grade 9 Curriculum
Teachers from Markville set out to revise and enhance the Grade 9 course to incorporate sustaining inquiry and critical thinking with the aim of fostering
• Students’ ability to think
• Growth mindset
• Modern learning
• Student achievement -
Improving Growth Mindset in Math Through Differentiation for Students in Grades 2-4
This project aimed to develop increased confidence in differentiated math teaching instruction among our teaching staff by providing focused professional development aimed at increasing teachers’ ability to differentiate their math instruction.
Dragon STEAM Lab
Design a Makerspace that promotes deep learning and inspires curiosity, creativity and collaborative problem-solving. We want to empower all learners and allow them to take risks, embrace challenges and dream big without fear of failure.
Achieving Well-Being and Success Through Self-Regulation
This project helped students develop skills and methods for managing their emotions (stress and anxiety), behaviours, thoughts, attention and focus as a way of improving academic achievement and success, personal well-being, and self-regulation.