Teaching Functional Communication to Students with Autism to Gain Skills That Will Help Them Navigate Difficult Social Situations
We will be using iPads and an app called Proloquo2Go to help students build functional communication. The purpose of this project is to use functional communication to help student navigate through difficult social situations.
Reach for the Stars (Part 2)
Social readiness is a key factor in promoting well-being in children and directly impacts their health in all areas and success in school. As educators in early years, we desire to promote healthy relationships and social thinking with our students.
Achieving Well-Being and Success Through Self-Regulation
This project helped students develop skills and methods for managing their emotions (stress and anxiety), behaviours, thoughts, attention and focus as a way of improving academic achievement and success, personal well-being, and self-regulation.
Build Attention, Self-Regulation and Empathy Through Mindfulness Practice
This report outlines a series of activities, practices and reflections on the impact and benefits of “Mindfulness” in schools and classrooms and how the practices of mindfulness can be used to enhance student and teacher well-being and performance.
Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Challenging Teaching Situations
Understanding the role of unmanaged stressors on health and workplace performance for teachers. Finding ways to maintain emotional equilibrium from the fields of neuroscience and positive psychology.