STREAM: Adding Rigour to STEAM
Adding rigor to STEAM to make STREAM. STEAM has become increasingly popular over the past few years with a lot of emphasis on creating design tasks that are current, innovative and relevant. Our investigation seeks to add rigour to maximize learning.
Making a Difference: Using Assessment for Learning and the Three-Part Lesson Plan to Improve Student Achievement in Math
Our project focused on the use of the three-part lesson plan, a problem-solving model, a constructivist framework and various assessment strategies to increase students’ conceptual understanding of volume, mass, displacement and capacity.
Developing Global Competencies in Mathematics Using Loose Parts
Using loose parts to teach mathematics to kindergarten students through inquiry to promote creativity, critical thinking and global competencies.
The Impact of the Outdoor Classroom Related to Early Numeracy Skills
Our group set about developing a better understanding of how to use the outdoors in the area of numeration, using assessment data and students’ interests.