Authentic Student Assessment Through Digital Technologies
This project aimed to identify different forms of assessment, and how they can be redefined in a digital classroom. It also aimed to increase teacher efficacy by deepening their understanding of assessment, while building their capacity to do so.
Pedagogical Documentation in ELD Classrooms
Using pedagogical documentation, portfolios and collaboration to support language and literacy acquisition, inclusion, and reflection in the secondary ELD (English Literacy Development) classroom.
Developing Global Competencies in Mathematics Using Loose Parts
Using loose parts to teach mathematics to kindergarten students through inquiry to promote creativity, critical thinking and global competencies.
Math Electronic Portfolio
Use OneNote to enhance student learning in the area of math. Students will have a rule book in OneNote that they can access and will be able to carry forward to future years. These portfolios will benefit all students in all ability levels.
Primary Portfolios and Student Reflection on Learning
Our purpose was to use the Virtual Learning Environment/Brightspace Portfolio to make learning visible and to encourage student self-reflection. This tool was also used for parent communication (e.g. calendar, videos, photos, home activities, etc.).