Authentic Student Assessment Through Digital Technologies
This project aimed to identify different forms of assessment, and how they can be redefined in a digital classroom. It also aimed to increase teacher efficacy by deepening their understanding of assessment, while building their capacity to do so.
Strengthening our Core: SERT and Core French Teacher Teams Building Success for ALL Students
We are a SERT-Core French Teacher team collaboratively creating profiles of our diverse language learners and exploring universal language actions and differentiation to support language development for all in inclusive FSL classrooms.
Well-Being and Achievement Along the Play-Inquiry Continuum
If we place metacognition at the centre of our practice, supporting students as they process multi-sensory experiences through play and inquiry, we can remove worry from learning and increase awareness, well-being and achievement.
Enhancing Outdoor Learning Opportunities in Kindergarten and Beyond
This project was designed to build upon our current instructional practices in the areas of outdoor education and inquiry-based learning, and to develop strategies to assist us in “provoking” and assessing student learning in a natural setting.
Enhancing and Extending Mathematical Thinking and Learning Through Inquiry
The aim of the project was to help enhance mathematical thinking in our students through inquiry, meaningful instruction and purposeful play. We wanted to help develop their growth mindset to help set a foundation for future mathematical development.