Improving the Numeracy Mindset of Grade 9 Math Students
If students work on problems stemming from an overarching learning goal through various strategies, then the students will be motivated and demonstrate their understanding while cultivating their growth mindset.
Learning and Exploring Through Technology
This project took place in kindergarten classrooms and focused on increasing self-regulation skills with iPad technology. It allowed students to explore different inquiries both in the classroom and outdoor environment.
Enhancing Student Mathematical Understanding and Problem-Solving Capabilities Through the Use of Algorithms and Coding Software
This project was aimed at introducing computer programming to middle school students. It contains a series of lessons, with various entry points from teaching students binary, algorithms, languages, coding and how to use these tools to create.
Math Inquiry Across the Strands
This inquiry addresses geometry, number sense, measurement in a social studies context. Our initial inquiry was the creation of a Winter Math Festival. The second inquiry was an investigation of societies around the world (historic and modern).
Integrating Technology in the Junior Extended French Classroom
An investigation into the integration of technology in French and social studies in the junior Extended French program.