Building Mathematicians Through Learning Buddies
During cross-divisional learning buddies, students had opportunities to explore growth mindset, math and STEM challenges to further develop their math confidence and to support our math community.
Enhancing Student Mathematical Understanding and Problem-Solving Capabilities Through the Use of Algorithms and Coding Software
This project was aimed at introducing computer programming to middle school students. It contains a series of lessons, with various entry points from teaching students binary, algorithms, languages, coding and how to use these tools to create.
Building a Community of Mathematicians
This project explores how we can build a community of mathematicians among our colleagues, our classrooms and throughout the school community. Some strategies we explored include problem-solving, number talks and the use of math tools.
Develop Understanding of Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Primary/Junior Years to Promote Student Success in Mathematics, and Beyond
To develop an understanding of spatial reasoning in our students by partnering with them to further develop our own understanding between spatial reasoning and math learning in the primary and junior grades.
Integrating Technology in the Junior Extended French Classroom
An investigation into the integration of technology in French and social studies in the junior Extended French program.