Develop Understanding of Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Primary/Junior Years to Promote Student Success in Mathematics, and Beyond
To develop an understanding of spatial reasoning in our students by partnering with them to further develop our own understanding between spatial reasoning and math learning in the primary and junior grades.
Integrating Technology in the Junior Extended French Classroom
An investigation into the integration of technology in French and social studies in the junior Extended French program.
Developing Global Citizens Through Social Studies Inquiries
Students will develop an understanding of Global Citizenship as they progress through social studies activities aimed at developing a sense of self, family, community and global connections. Developing a M.A.D. project is the culminating activity.
Creating a “Culture of Thinking” and Digital Portfolios: Integrating Language and Social Studies
In this project, FreshGrade ePortfolios were created for Grade 4 and Grade 7 students. Teachers planned integrated Social studies/language units whereby technology was used to “Capture the Learning” of students.
Using Technology to Explore Social Studies Through a Culturally Relevant and Responsive Lens
Using technology and Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy (CRRP) to improve student engagement, thereby resulting in improved student outcome in the Social Studies Curriculum: Heritage and Identity.