Chrome Extensions and Apps as Tools for Future-Centred Learners in Secondary Classrooms
Google apps and extensions are powerful tools that can enhance your use of technology within Google Chrome. This webpage will provide you with descriptions and some reviews of apps and extensions that could be useful in secondary education.
Understanding Assessment Through Modern Learning
Using Google Forms to capture student achievement and progress in various areas and subjects, including learning skills.
Supporting Effective Use of Technology Through a Subject Association (ELAN)
New participants with ELAN (English Language Arts Network) share effective practice with information and communications technology (ICT) in their English/language arts classroom. The aim was to grow networks of English/language arts teachers.
The Greenhouse Project
A cross-curricular project between English and science, using project-based learning pedagogy in proposing the construction of a school greenhouse.
Redesign of Learning Spaces
Our vision was to empower the students and activate their voice with regards to their own learning. Project-based learning was the central focus of our professional growth.