Sharing and Refining Best Practices in Mathematics – Through a Special Education Lens
Teacher’s from special education classes collaborated to refine and explore best practices for their students’ growth in mathematics. Focus was on using data for targeted intervention on specific math strategies/concepts.
Sharing and Refining Best Practices in Mathematics – Grades 6-8
Teachers collaborated to refine and explore best practices, to build their own toolkits and for students’ growth in mathematics. Focus was on using data for intervention on concepts & moving students from concrete to abstract thinking in grades 6-8.
Infusing Indigenous Perspectives and Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Mathematics
Our teaching learning co-op group deepened our understanding and knowledge of indigenous ways of knowing mathematics and perspectives by listening to the stories of two community members.
A Developmentally Sound and Pedagogically Appropriate Approach to Teaching Through (and about) Problem-Solving from Kindergarten to Grade 4
Cross-referencing the various “Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics,” “The Kindergarten Program,” and the “Ontario Mathematics Curriculum, K-8,” this project shows the “Big Ideas,” the K-4 continuum of expectations, and suggests resources.
Math Inquiry Across the Strands
This inquiry addresses geometry, number sense, measurement in a social studies context. Our initial inquiry was the creation of a Winter Math Festival. The second inquiry was an investigation of societies around the world (historic and modern).