The French Immersion Classroom: Enhancing Teaching Practice and Developing Students’ Communication Through Cross-Curricular Balance and the use of Technology
With a focus on the Junior French Immersion classroom (grades 5 and 6), cross-reference curriculum areas taught in French to develop balanced literacy lessons and consistently integrate School Board issued technology (IPADS) into learning activities
Documentation and Visibility of Student Thinking
We intentionally developed lessons as opportunities for making student thinking more visible. Debriefing lessons using student work recorded on technology allowed all parties to identify misconceptions, give feedback and assess student thinking.
Leveraging Technology to Improve Assessment as/for/of Learning in Mathematics
We identified ways to use technology to gather formative assessment and align it with Learning Maps, Big Ideas, Learning Goals and Success Criteria. Ultimately, we were most concerned about leveraging technology to triangulate assessment data.
Motivating Diverse Learners Through Coding
This project was based on teacher inquiry into coding, how it works and how to implement it with the students in our classroom. As teachers, we were interested in increasing student engagement through collaboration, inquiry, creativity, communication