Making Learning Visible – Pedagogical Documentation Full-Day Kindergarten
This project aims to explore how documenting children’s learning can help to develop a community of learners that aims to increase student engagement, promote collaboration, and improve learning outcomes.
Documenting Spatial Reasoning in the Full-Day Kindergarten Program
Using the professional resource, Taking Shape, we supported students’ understanding of spatial reasoning concepts through intentional play-based tasks and documentation.
Including Student Voice and Choice: Using Multi-Age Groupings and Games to Improve Student Understanding of Quantity in Primary Mathematics Classrooms
Our journey into the role of math games as part of a comprehensive math program and their impact on student understanding in the area of quantity for students in a kindergarten to Grade 3 environment.
Exploring Spatial Reasoning Through Coding
Teachers/students will learn how to code as a tool for learning. Teachers will engage in professional learning opportunities on how to use the various coding apps and tools and collaborate with a lead teacher to support implementation in class.
Learning and Exploring Through Technology
This project took place in kindergarten classrooms and focused on increasing self-regulation skills with iPad technology. It allowed students to explore different inquiries both in the classroom and outdoor environment.