Documenting Math with Technology
The aim of this project is for teachers and students to work together, using technology, to co-document math learning in a way that will enhance student voice during consolidation and increase teachers’ understanding of how children learn math.
Exploring Early Numeracy Through Inquiry
The Exploring Early Numeracy Through Inquiry project examined the development of early number concepts in K-2. We deepened our understanding of designing a mathematically rich environment to support exploration of number concepts at school and home.
Bringing Douglas Clements’ Math Learning Trajectories to Life Part 2B
We dug deeply into the Spatial Thinking chapter of Clements’ book, Learning and Teaching Early Math. We broke up the trajectory even further in order to make it even easier for teachers to use to help move their students through their math thinking.
Understanding and Developing Early Years Thinking in Math: Exploring the Connection between Number Sense and Spatial Sense
Exploring the connection between number sense and spatial sense.
Documenting Spatial Reasoning in the Full-Day Kindergarten Program
Using the professional resource, Taking Shape, we supported students’ understanding of spatial reasoning concepts through intentional play-based tasks and documentation.