Building Mathematical Trajectories in the Early Years
Kindergarten teams utilized A. Lawson’s Developmental Continuum to examine strategies that children progress through as they develop mathematical understanding. Educators collaborated to lead learning in chapters of the resource What to Look For.
Creating a PLC Within the Kindergarten Division Based on Implementing STEM/STEAM Activities Within Project-Based Learning
Our goal is to create a PLC to research/implement STEM activities and makerspaces into project-based learning in FDK to make learning more engaging, authentic and self-motivating for students and educators, and to share this learning with others.
The Outdoor Classroom
Enhancing and improving our outdoor learning space to provide our kindergarten children with opportunities to connect with nature and to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the environment that they live in.
Exploring Spatial Reasoning Through Coding
Teachers/students will learn how to code as a tool for learning. Teachers will engage in professional learning opportunities on how to use the various coding apps and tools and collaborate with a lead teacher to support implementation in class.
Making Number Talks Matter
Use models and tools that support students’ understandings and proficiencies, to evaluate the impact that Number Talks will have in the intermediate level classroom.