Math Inquiry Across the Strands
This inquiry addresses geometry, number sense, measurement in a social studies context. Our initial inquiry was the creation of a Winter Math Festival. The second inquiry was an investigation of societies around the world (historic and modern).
Using an Action-Oriented Approach for Effective Communication in Secondary Core and Immersion French as a Second Language
Our group discussed listening skills and oral communication in FSL (French) by reading articles, gathering and trying various resources, incorporating technology where appropriate, and developing a document to annotate these strategies and resources.
Science and Technology: Probing into the Future
The purpose of this project is to see if engagement and understanding is improved through the use of modernized equipment that will not only engage students in their learning, but also allow them to collect more accurately the data.
Employing Technology and Modern Learning Strategies in Science and Math College Courses
The goal was to change the way our college-level students approached and engaged with the science and math curriculum by employing technology in the classroom that supports, augments and implements modern learning strategies.
Understanding Assessment Through Modern Learning
Using Google Forms to capture student achievement and progress in various areas and subjects, including learning skills.