Federation guidance for associate teachers during COVID-19
Teaching others to teach is a special responsibility that carries with it tremendous rewards. When we share our experience and expertise with beginning teachers, we help the continuation of teaching excellence. Mentoring teacher candidates also allows us to reflect on our own teaching practice and promotes our professional growth.
Ontario’s teachers have a long history of serving as “associate” or “host” teachers to literally thousands of teacher candidates across the province each year. OTF and its four Affiliates – AEFO, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF – have policies and detailed guides that help support associate teachers (ATs) as they carry out this important work. While these policies have not changed recently, COVID-19 restrictions make it worthwhile to review them.
Click on the image to read our guidance for associate teachers during COVID-19.
If you are a teacher candidate, OTF’s Survive & Thrive virtual resource centre is for you. The website contains hundreds of practical, hands-on resources on useful topics such as classroom management, special needs students, working with parents, occasional teaching, assessment and reporting. There are website links, audio and visual presentations by experts in education and message boards where teachers can converse with each other about their work. Participation is free.
Click here for the OTF Guidelines Regarding Harassment Complaints That Arise During Practicum Placements.
Want to get great deals on travel, entertainment, electronics, cars and loads of other items? Edvantage is the answer. The program, administered by the Ontario Teachers’ Insurance Plan, is available to not only to OTF members but also to teacher candidates in Ontario’s faculties of education.
Check out the Edvantage program.
You will need an OTF/Edvantage membership card. Talk to your student association president about this.
If you are looking for a job, check out the OTF Employment page.