Des nouvelles ressources de littératie numérique pour les enseignants external-link

Les ateliers Programme de formation en littératie numérique pour les éducateurs canadiens présentent un aperçu des connaissances et des compétences essentielles en littératie numérique et les concepts clés de la littératie médiatique et numérique, familiariseront les participants avec les expériences du numérique des jeunes Canadiens, et leur présenteront les ressources et les outils qui sont offerts par le biais du cadre de littératie numérique Utiliser, comprendre et créer.

The Fourth R: Relationship Based Violence Protection – Strategies for Healthy Youth Relationships external-link

Strategies for Healthy Youth Relationships is a consortium of researchers and professionals dedicated to promoting healthy adolescent relationships and reducing risk behaviours. They work with schools to promote the neglected R (for relationships) and help build this Fourth R in school climates. Fourth R initiatives use best practice approaches to target multiple forms of violence, including bullying, dating violence, peer violence, and group violence. A variety of curriculum resources to implement this relationship-based program are offered. The programs meet the Ministry expectations for each particular course of study.

Far From the Heart external-link

An interactive website and film addressing dating violence and sexual assault, Far From the Heart aims to help youth recognize the different forms of pressure and violence in dating relationships, and explores the issues that lie beneath this behaviour.

Courage external-link

COURAGE 7&8 and Courage High School are school-based violence prevention education programs designed and offered by COPA, a non-profit provincial agency with a unique approach to fostering ‘safe, strong and free’ schools and communities.

Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Project (or Le Projet ESPACE) external-link

The Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Project (or Le Projet ESPACE, in French) is COPA’s core violence prevention program. It is a school-based violence prevention education program for Grades 1-6. The program entails workshops for students, parents and staff using role play and skill development. The focus is on developing awareness and self-esteem. Strategies include self-assertion, physical self-defence, peer support and adult resource support. Developmentally-appropriate programs using similar pedagogical methods and strategies that help ’empower’ participants are also available through COPA for JK and SK, and senior elementary and secondary school students.

A School-based Anti-Violence Prevention Program (ASAP) external-link

The Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System has created a complete resource package to help teachers start and support a systematic anti-violence program.  The ASAP website includes teacher resource packages on: Media Violence and Gender Equity in the Media, Dating Violence, Sexual Harassment and Bullying.