Empowering Minds free eBit courses

These engaging hands-on activities were developed by Lambton College. They are aligned to STEM areas of the Ontario Curriculum and are specifically designed for students in grades 5-12 with the goal of inspiring and empowering the next generation of young minds to explore the fascinating world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


NII Explore, Nuclear Innovation Institute external-link

With Ontario’s changing mix of remote and in-person learning, NII Explore at the Nuclear Innovation Institute has launched a full catalogue of free STEM lesson plans (no subscription/signup required) to support teachers and homeschooling caregivers. The lessons align with curriculum goals for grades two to eight and are complete with learning goals, step-by-step instructions, and video components from NII Explore staff. The best part is that they can be delivered remotely as well as during in-class instruction!


AgScape external-link

As the voice of Agriculture in the Classroom Ontario, AgScape provides factual, balanced, curriculum-linked food literacy programs and resources to Ontario’s educators and students.

Lesson plans and resources in several subject areas for grades 1 – 12

Ressources pour repenser(R4R) external-link

Le répertoire Ressources pour repenser, un projet de l’Education au service de la Terre, fournit aux enseignants un meilleur accès à d’excellentes et de pertinentes ressources en matière de l’éducation pour le développement durable.

L’éducation pour le développement durable (ÉDD) intègre les sphères écologique, sociale et économique à travers un apprentissage actif, pertinant et interdisciplinaire.

Resources for Rethinking (R4R) external-link

Immediate access to more than 1,000 quality classroom resources: lesson plans, books, videos and other materials that explore the environmental, social and economic dimensions of important issues and events unfolding in our world today. Developed by Learning for a Sustainable Future.

2015 Teacher Learning Co-op (TLC) project reports external-link

The TLC uses a problem-based learning model, supported by the Ontario Ministry of Education. It has two areas of focus: using information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning and enhancing teaching and learning in Mathematics.

Projects might focus on creating Math resources; developing strategies for using iPads in the classroom; developing resources for bringing manipulatives into the Grade 8 classroom; or developing strategies and resources for using information and communication technologies in Social Sciences.

The 2015 TLC project reports are now posted and have many valuable insights and suggestions for the classroom.